Monday, September 10, 2007

Memories Of my first day in kingergarden

I could still remember that the soft spoken and quiet teacher that gathered us together in a circle. She appeared happy and tired looking after a group of 20 children. I still remember that i was very quiet however i was not frightened. Most of the children were crying and shouting for their parents. While others appeared stunned and wondering what to do next. Haha i guess i am one of them. However, i could still remembered that i was brought there by my auntie which my mum had put me in her care. I really don't want to forget the good moments in my childhood as the nightmare of my life is approaching.

The most unforgetable thing that i learn there and i could still remember vividly is that we were taught how to make flower using the pen sharper to peel off the outer layer of the wooden pencil and i had to be very careful in order to make a nice flower. I was so excited for this is the first time making a flower on my own. That day, i made at least a dozen of them. I really miss the flowers. Although they may not be the most beautiful flowers in the world but to me, they are the best as i had made it with my own small hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U never updated de!